Tuesday, January 8, 2013

How I Use Facebook...

How I use Facebook...

I use facebook I am sure like a lot of other people. To keep in touch with family in friends on a daily basis. Many people tend to play games on their which I don't tend to do because they are so time consuming and hugely addicting and feel like such a commitment. Is that a weird way to think of it? Maybe! I love each day waking up grabbing my phone and scrolling through my news feed to see what is going on in people's lives. It is addicting. It is like my personal cup of coffee and I am not ashamed to admit it because I feel a lot of other people do the exact same thing.It is our personal comfort. Isn't it crazy that as soon as a big event in our lives happen we have to always open up facebook to let everyone know. Or as soon as we get a great photo taken we are already thinking "Hey I can't wait to upload that to Facebook" We are all guilty of it but these are a few ways we use facebook in our lives...kinda like a daily routine. Some people have it for their personal lives but also many people need to use it for work as well! We live and work in a world of social media. It has become a way to keep in touch but also get our daily dose of News, Drama, Cuteness Overload, or just whatever else it throw at us.
Of course we must come to the topic funny things we all do on facebook whether we admit it or not. One of those things is "facebook stalking" You know where you go to someone's wall to check in on them or just snoop through their photo's. Sometimes you may find out more then you would like to know!!! Becareful when you are facebook stalking and looking at old status's or photo's that you don't accidently "like" one of them because if so your cover is blown!I have personally done that myself a few times.
 Few things I dislike about Facebook. Their layout! They think they need to change it about every few months just after we have have begun to learn the old one. Another thing I personally notice about facebook that I don't like is how people just share photo's over and over that have nothing to do with them. They are just humor, political or religous. Over and Over again. Gets a little old. Post a photo of yourself or a update!
Game invites! Clearly if I haven't accepted your farmville app the first time you shouldn't keep sending it over and over again. I feel like a could write a book on all the things that annoy me about facebook but I am creating a blog not a novel. I just wanted to take time to talk about the way I use facebook in my daily life and hopefully you enjoyed reading and maybe got a little laugh.

Back to facebook stalking....bye

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