Monday, January 28, 2013

Company Loyalty

What drives me crazy about company's is the only time they actually try to value you as a customer is when you call to say cancel my account. I myself have been with my same phony company/Internet company and canceled them today! They have been nothing but a nightmare to deal with for well over a year now. They could never get my bill under control and it was like one agent didn't know what they were doing from the next. The final nail in this company's coffin was when they told me " well you might as well go with another provider" Really??? Well needless to say him saying that lost them their business. I am sure I am not the only one who has had this happen! But I don't feel I should call and fight a company once a month because they aren't giving me the price they stated to me! In this economy people still have choices of who they can go with for services so be careful what you say!

I hope everyone tries to have a good Monday, I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today!

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