Have you ever thought of what you would do if this week was your last week alive? Sure there have been movies, and popular ideas about what people would put on their bucket list. The emotional side of me would of course want to spend time with my family and everything. But just for fun sake of a bucket list here are some things I would do!
-Fly somewhere I have never been
-Eat whatever I want whenever I want
-Record a journal to leave for loved ones after I leave explaining my love for them!
-Random act of kindness. Leave someone with something valuable or give a stranger money.
-Maybe do something crazy like skydive or Bungee jumping because why not?
I know my list I probably pretty basic but I thought it would be fun to explore the option! What would you do if you were given a week to live?
Sally that is a great way to live! And what a smart way to save some money!